Friday, March 9, 2012

Men in Black 3


 Ladies and gentlemen, the long wait for MIB3 is almost over and I for one can't wait. Starring Tommy Lee Jones and his past-self Josh Brolin, who by the way, has left fans very pleased with the how the producers chose him for Tommy's past-self role, excellent choice in my opinion as well. Also starring... Drum roll please! Will Smith, who by the way hasn't aged a day since Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

"I am getting too old for this.... I can only imagine how YOU feel"

Part 3's plot was introduced by Will Smith himself to director Barry Sonnenfeld back in 2002 while part 2 was still being made. The plot idea was exchanged over a phone call, which involved Agent J going back in time to save his partner, Agent K. I guess Sconnenfeld liked his idea, because that's exactly what this movie will be about.

Men in black is set for release on May 25, 2012. Enjoy!